Hexadecimal Unicode Characters Braille Tables

Also known as HUC Braille Tables
Simplified, worldwide unified 8- and 6-dot mapping for the hexadecimal value of Unicode characters

Documentation overview

Click on the language to open the online version of the documentation.

Language Download Last update (online/offline) Translator
English In progress. | Readme from HUCv2 / … Daniel Mayr (alias Dr. Sooom)
German, Deutsch In progress. / … Daniel Mayr (alias Dr. Sooom)


  • If the section "Downloads", the list of available languages and/or non-significant content were updated in the online versions, then their corresponding offline versions won't be updated every time after such an update.
  • The downloadable html files of the documentation contain no tracking functionality.
  • The md and the txt files are equal and written in Markdown.
  • Furthermore the txt links refer to their corresponding md files and their file names are renamed due to the HTML5 download attribute. If you are using an old web browser, which doesn't support this HTML5 attribute, you have to change the file extension manually after downloading the md file from "*.md" to "*.txt".
  • The md files can be opened with Notepad++ and many other source code and Markdown editors.

Audio recordings overview

Click on the title to go to the corresponding section on the downloads page (multilingual), where the audio recordings can be played back and downloaded.

Title Language Recording date Duration Artist/Speaker
HUC Braille Tables – Audio Guide 2019 English In progress. Daniel Mayr (alias Dr. Sooom)
HUC-Braille-Tabellen – Audio-Guide 2019 German, Deutsch In progress. Daniel Mayr (alias Dr. Sooom)
NVDACon 2019 – HUC Braille Tables English In progress. Daniel Mayr (alias Dr. Sooom)
NVDACon 2020 – HUC Braille Tables and BrailleExtender English 01:38 Daniel Mayr (alias Dr. Sooom)


  • Most audio recordings are available in FLAC, MP3, OGG and Opus.
  • All chapter files of an audio recording are bundled in a 7z archive – one for each file type/quality combination.
  • The column "Duration" displays the total duration of all chapters or the duration of the first listed version of an audio recording.



Announcements regarding the HUC Braille Tables in German:

Note: The following links are referencing to the internal news section at Daniel Mayr.at.


  • HUC Braille Converter – open-source HUC Braille converter by AndrΓ©-Abush Clause
  • Liblouis – open-source braille translator, also used by NVDA
  • NVDA – open-source screen reader for Windows
  • BrailleExtender – open-source NVDA add-on improving braille features
  • 7-Zip – open-source file archiver for Windows
  • Notepad++ – open-source source code editor for Windows
  • VirusTotal – on-demand online antivirus/malware scanner service
  • Threema – anonymously usable, secure messenger for iOS and Android
  • Signal – open-source, secure messenger for iOS and Android

References to Unicode:

References to GitHub:

  • BrailleExtender issue #36 – Add HUC Braille support
  • Liblouis issue #423 – Table renaming
  • Liblouis issue #688 – Simplified 8-dot worldwide unified mapping for the hexadecimal value of Unicode characters
  • Liblouis issue #689 – Simplified 6-dot worldwide unified mapping for the hexadecimal value of Unicode characters
  • Liblouis PR #730 – Adding the HUC8 and the HUC6 Braille Tables
  • NVDA issue #6341 – Cannot read Braille unicode Characters.
  • NVDA issue #6695 – Compiling Liblouis with 32-bit Unicode support
  • NVDA issue #8702 – Show β €, β Ώ, β£Ώ, a question mark or the hexadecimal value (Liblouis 3.8 style, HUC8, HUC6) for undefined characters in braille
  • NVDA issue #9973 – Braille display auto-detection feature causes errors on loading braille tables on NVDA startup after including the HUC8 Braille Tables (2019-03-01)
  • NVDA issue #9982 – Braille display auto-detection feature causes errors on loading large braille tables on NVDA startup
  • NVDA PR #9544 – Compile liblouis with 32 bit widechars
  • NVDA PR #9545 – textUtils module to deal with offset differences between Python 3 strings and Windows wide character strings with surrogate characters
  • NVDA PR #9897 – Python 3: When processing xml coming from virtual buffers, make sure that surrogate characters are handled properly
  • NVDA PR #10498 – Run initial display for braille on the main thread

Wayback Machine:

Note: The following links are referencing to an overview page of all saved versions of the corresponding HUC Braille Tables page respectively the corresponding announcement regarding the HUC Braille Tables by the Wayback Machine.

Pending tasks

Notes: The timings are only approximate. Subject to change without notice.
  • 2021: Adding instructions for BrailleExtender 20.05.28 (NVDA add-on)
  • 2021: Finalizing the German documentation
  • 2021: Offline versions of the documentation
  • 2021: English Audio Guide 2019
  • 2021: German Audio Guide 2019
  • 2021: NVDACon 2019 Talk
  • 2022: HUCv3
  • 2022: Small updates in the documentation

Providing a translation

  • If you want to translate the documentation into another language, please use the English or the German Markdown document (both coming in 2020Q1, prototypes are available here) as draft. And as they don't contain the section "Downloads", you have to translate this section from the online version too.
  • If you don't want to translate certain sections, you must nevertheless translate their headlines as well as the following line:
    EN: Note: This section wasn't translated into [language]. Please read its English or German version.
    DE: Anmerkung: Dieser Abschnitt wurde nicht ins [Sprache] ΓΌbersetzt. Bitte lesen Sie dessen englische oder deutsche Version.
  • Furthermore it would be nice, if you could translate the English or German explanation section of the UTF-16 surrogates page as well, even if this page isn't part of the documentation.
  • After you have translated as close as possible to the source language and checked everything including non-breaking spaces, please send me the translated Markdown document as attachment via e-mail, Threema or Signal. Note that I only accept text files (*.md and *.txt) which are encoded as UTF-8 without BOM and their line ending format is set to Windows (CRLF).
  • Please don't send me a converted html file based on the Markdown document, because I'm not creating the html files based on the Markdown code due to Markdown limitations.

Reporting an error or a typo

  • If you find an error, a typo or any other incorrect stuff on this website, in the translated documentations or in the HUC Braille Tables, please send them to me via e-mail, Threema or Signal and I will see what I can do.
  • But I don't give any support regarding the HUC Braille Tables. Please read the information in the header section of the HUC Braille Tables as well as the information in the imprint on this website (only available in German).
  • The tbl and the tbi files in the 7z archive can be opened with Notepad++ or with any other source code editor, which support ANSI as well as UTF-8 and the LF line ending format.

Accesskeys and anchors

Accesskeys for the links in the footer:

  • a = Overview (this site, only available in English)
  • s = UTF-16 surrogates (U+D800-U+DFFF, multilingual)
  • y = Imprint and privacy policy (only available in German)
  • 1 = English
  • 2 = German, Deutsch

Anchors for the headlines on this page:

  • d = Documentation overview
  • a = Audio recordings overview
  • dl = Downloads
  • l = Links
  • t = Pending tasks
  • tr = Providing a translation
  • e = Reporting an error or a typo
  • aa = Accesskeys and anchors

Anchors for the headlines in the documentation:

  • toc = Table of contents
  • epl = Explanation of Unicode characters in plain language
  • dpl = Definition for 8- and 6-dot in plain language
  • u = Usage
  • d8 = Definition for 8-dot (HUC8)
  • e8 = Examples for 8-dot
  • d6 = Definition for 6-dot (HUC6)
  • e6 = Examples for 6-dot
  • dl = Downloads
  • in201921i = Installation instructions for NVDA 2019.2.1 (installed version, UTF-16)
  • in201921p = Installation instructions for NVDA 2019.2.1 (portable version, UTF-16)
  • in20193i = Installation instructions for NVDA 2019.3 (installed version, UTF-32)
  • in20193p = Installation instructions for NVDA 2019.3 (portable version, UTF-32)
  • updn201921 = Update instructions for NVDA 2019.2.1/2019.3 (installed/portable version)
  • unin201921 = Uninstallation instructions for NVDA 2019.2.1/2019.3 (installed/portable version)
  • faq = Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
  • f00 to f2e = Question No. β£Ί (00) to question No. β’ƒ (2e)

Anchors for the headlines on the downloads page:

  • huc = HUC Braille Tables
  • hucv2 = HUCv2
  • hucv1 = HUCv1
  • d = Documentation
  • a = Audio recordings
  • ag2019en = Audio Guide 2019
  • ag2019de = Audio-Guide 2019
  • an2019 = NVDACon 2019
  • an2020 = NVDACon 2020
  • hand = Handouts
  • misc = Miscellaneous